Kevin J. Tracy

August 1, 2022

Kevin Tracy Recovering From Non-COVID Illness

I just want to thank everyone who helped me at KTracy Manor as I battled, defeated, and am now recovering from a mysterious illness that multiple tests have confirmed was not the COVID-19 virus.

In particular, my parents who brought excessive amounts of Gatorade and Katie who insisted on breaking my quarantine to make sure I wasn't going to die. Of course, this likely means that she's going to be the sick one next weekend, but that's what we have Dr. Richard Dickson on the staff for.

Yesterday, I was actually well enough to meet with a photographer we're hiring for some events that will be shared on in the future. Later this evening, Katie and I will be attending a religious formation class in a nearby town. All-in-all, things are slowly getting back to normal.

While I do have a slight but persistent cough, experience has taught me that this will likely last for at least another couple of weeks until I can get all the nasty sauce out of my lungs. However, I am confident that my body is fully on its way to full and complete recovery, once again.

Because of my evening schedule tonight, the July 2022 web traffic report along with the June 2021 traffic report revised for the SSL reporting error in Awstats may not be released until tomorrow. Depending on how long the briefing from our web team is and whether it needs to be in person or remote, there is a chance we can get this done today, but I make no promises. I may ask Carl to push the raw data to you without deeper analysis.

However, I did take a sneak peek and the July numbers are going to be much improved over the June numbers; which we expected since we were only updating the last half of June. But growth is growth and I'm always excited about it... unlike Democrats who clearly hate economic growth and prosperity.

Thank you to everyone who was praying for my speedy recovery!