Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


Why Mike Pence Bothers: He's The Best Man For The Job

T.A. Frank has a piece in The Washington Post on Mike Pence titled Why does Mike Pence bother?; which starts off with a story of a frat party Mike Pence ruined with his honesty and proceeds to cite his intraparty Republican rivals in Congress in calling him "Mike Dense."

Clearly, The Washington Post is paying the most intellectual people in the country right now.

Frank then quotes Trump loyalist Kellyanne Conway who warns of Pence's political ambitions, then SHOCKINGLY, regrets that Mike Pence "was not made available for an interview" so he could be a part of a hit-piece targeted at him. By paragraph #9, Pence is accused of using rhetoric that's 20 years old. In paragraph #10, Frank says that Pence's "conciliatory manner" is "like all failures to see evil," and, "makes you stupid."

Somehow, the article doesn't actually bother to answer the question "Why Does Mike Pence Bother?"

The answer is simple. Mike Pence believes he's the best man for the job and I wouldn't doubt that he is. Mike Pence was my governor before he became Vice President and he is militantly conservative, almost to a fault. While I detested Donald Trump as a human being, he at least governed like a conservative and did what he said he was going to do; which was incredibly refreshing for Republicans and a large part of what's contributed to his cult-like following. I don't think Mike Pence would have made every decision that Donald Trump made if he were president instead, but he absolutely would govern as a die hard conservative. I know this because that's how Mike Pence has always governed.

Is he ambitious? Sure. You don't run for Congress, or Governor, or Vice-President, or President without being ambitious. However, Pence's ambition is tempered by a very real Christian faith and healthy fear of God.

Mike Pence would be an awesome President to follow the disastrous Biden regime. I would trust him more than anyone to cut spending significantly enough to make a difference, nominate pro-life justices to the Supreme Court to defend the Constitution, and stand up to China.

As implied earlier when I talked about the loyalty of the Trump cult, Republican voters are far too familiar with the weak wristed Republican politicians who campaign on being tough fighters for the Right to Life, marriage, a balanced budget, the second amendment, and more; but when they get elected, they either don't fight or compromise the first opportunity they get. Let me be absolutely clear about this: THAT IS NOT MIKE PENCE.

When he was the Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence stood up for religious liberty boldly every chance he got. To be honest, I think he cut taxes and cut spending more than he should have and definitely more than he needed to. As proven by his track record in the House of Representatives, Mike Pence is probably the most anti-abortion candidate of the past 100 years.

Mike Pence is a good leader who knows how to build coalitions and build bridges without compromising his integrity or values. That is a REALLY rare attribute among politicians of this day and age.

So why is Mike Pence running for President? Because the Republican Party needs good candidates and he's one of the best, ready to lead on Day One!