Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


Plans Moving Forward for

The Wedding of the Century is finally over and Katie and I had a great time on our honeymoon! Katie and I just got our wedding photos back, so we're going to be going through those and uploading a lot of them in the near future. That's the first priority.

Moving forward; which is the name of this post; I have some decisions to make. The past couple of days, I've been looking into possibly starting fresh with a Flat File CMS or a Static Site Generator with support for PHP includes to reduce the time it would take to rebuild the site between updates. However, I checked our website statistics before writing this post and, shockingly, I'm actually happy with the traffic statistics (especially considering I haven't posted anything in four months. This hardly seems like the time to screw everything up and build from scratch.

With that said, there are some problems I find myself having without a CMS.

Firstly, image uploads and post thumbnails. I didn't mind doing this in 2003, but I can't be bothered to upload files and write an IMG tag for them, assign them classes to standardize their appearance, and then do all of that again to make a thumbnail for the title. I'm not sure what the solution to this will be, but I need to figure this out.

The other thing I want to change about this site is the tone. It was fun creating the site in the classic format with the staff, but I'm pouring my creative efforts into basic news updates instead of my art. I also don't like how arrogant this makes me feel (and probably read). I'm not the same person I was 20 years ago, so I don't want to create content like I did 20 years ago. I may still keep the staff for some YouTube stuff, but for day-to-day written updates, I think I'm done with that.

Updates still won't be regularly coming, but I hope to change that when I figure out the tone and start putting more emphasis on video creation.

Keep coming back and keep your eye open for the wedding photos! I hope to have the first of those online this week.