Carl Sven
Carl Sven
Ministry of Information Technology


December 2022 Press Conference

RACHEL DELONGE: Greetings. Kevin Tracy will be out in a moment, but first a few announcements. First, our much anticipated web traffic report will be out before the end of next week. Our web traffic for November was an enormous improvement over October's traffic and right about in line with what we had for September. Also, we hope there are some pretty big surprises coming this month. In order to keep them secret, Kevin may not answer all questions - or I may interrupt Kevin if he is about to answer something he shouldn't. When the time is right, there will be another Press Conference; which may mean two press conferences this month. That's all I have, here's Kevin Tracy.

KEVIN TRACY: Thanks, Rachel. Before I take questions, I want to thank everyone on the Staff, and in particular the Ministry of Propaganda and the Ministry of Information Technology for the incredible work they're doing restoring the archives from a WordPress backup saved 12 years ago into something usable on this static page. I never thought the process would be quick, but I knew it would be gruesome and painful. They've handled it without a single complaint. In fact, the entire team has been in really good spirits about the whole thing. I'm super proud of everyone pulling together to make the 2009 and 2010 archives a reality.

I also feel the need to thank Carl and his team again for how quickly they deleted the sitemaps, found a solution to post recent updates on both the home page and archives page, and got everything working flawlessly. The fruits of their labor were apparent in the November web traffic statistics that will be released soon.

With that said, let's start the Q&A.

QUESTION: What are your favorite Christmas movies?

KEVIN TRACY: The Muppets' Christmas Carol is my clear favorite. I'm actually really excited that Disney Plus is going to have the entire movie, including the "When Love is Gone" song available as an extra for us diehard fans. I'm also a fan of Scrooged, Batman Returns, and It's A Wonderful Life. Although, admittedly, I don't watch those three every year.

QUESTION: Where will the KTracy wedding be held?

KEVIN TRACY: In an effort to prevent wedding crashers, those details are being kept private. However, I will say that we're getting married in a Catholic Church somewhere in Northwest Indiana. The reception will be later that night at a location known only to our distinguished guests. The undistinguished guests are just going to be run through the Taco Bell drive thru.

QUESTION: Have invitations gone out?

KEVIN TRACY: Well, the first round of "Save the Dates" have gone out. As happens for weddings, after we sat down and started inviting people, it became apparent that we were going to be several save the dates short. There are also a handful of addresses we haven't gotten yet. However, the vast majority of Save the Dates are out. Next up are the Bridal Shower invitations; which are being handled by my future sister-in-law. Then the actual invites will be sent sometime in early March with more details and RSVP instructions.

QUESTION: What's up with the wedding registry?

KEVIN TRACY: What do you mean, "what's up with" it?

QUESTION: Is the link on your website complete?

KEVIN TRACY: No, it's just being started. Katie hasn't really spent any time on it aside from 15 minutes looking for dinnerware she likes. The list is going to grow significantly once she begins putting effort into it.

QUESTION: Some of your fans think it's odd that you've stayed silent on the protests in China. Do you care to share your opinion?

KEVIN TRACY: Sure, screw the commie government. Look, any protests in China are good at this point. However, it bothers me that this isn't about civil liberties or human rights. The time to have those protests was several years ago when Hong Kong was trying to stand up for itself. These protests are because of COVID lockdowns. Once COVID is over, a lot of these protesters are going to go back to being content with the communist rule, violent posturing, and the annihilation of ethnic and religious minorities. So while I welcome and support the protests, I'm not all that excited about that. Maybe I should write about it in more detail later on.

QUESTION: What did you think about Andor on Disney Plus?

KEVIN TRACY: I loved it. It does start off a bit slow, but that actually adds to the suspense of everything. They did a phenomenal job with Andor both from a storytelling and film making perspective.

QUESTION: What are you watching now that Andor is over?

KEVIN TRACY: For a little over a year, I've been watching streamers playing Read Dead Redemption 2 on the WildRP role play server. It's been wildly entertaining and the role play actors have been better than a lot of what you'd find on Netflix or Disney+. There are so many intertwining stories that it's endlessly complex and a great community has grown around it sharing info with fans from other channels. It's been a pretty fantastic fandom to stumble across and I'm thrilled to be a part of it.

QUESTION: Do you plan to see any films coming out in theaters?

KEVIN TRACY: Nope. Nothing really has caught my fancy. I've lost interest in the MCU since Endgame. I never saw Avatar so I have no intention of seeing the Disney sequel. Shy of Speed Racer II coming out, I have a hard time envisioning myself wanting to go to the theaters to see anything Hollywood is making.

QUESTION: Are you pulling for Herschel Walker in the Georgia Runoff Election?

KEVIN TRACY: To be honest, I don't really care. I hope he wins, but Republicans already control the House of Representatives. His vote in the Senate would be nice because we'd only need one dissenting Democrat to undermine Chuck Schumer's agenda. Yet, with the House, Biden won't be doing anything without bi-partisan support. Walker's campaign is really more important for the 2024 and 2026 election cycles where Republicans are going to be better poised to take control of the Senate than they were in 2022; with or hopefully without Donald Trump's involvement.

QUESTION: Do you have your Christmas plans figured out yet?

KEVIN TRACY: Times are still up in the air, but Katie and I already did SantaCon in Valparaiso. There'll be a photo gallery of that shortly. This Sunday, we're going to our flower girls' Christmas dance recital. Then on the 24th, we'll be celebrating Christmas Eve at my parents house. We're probably going to midnight Mass after that. If not, Mass first thing in the morning. Then Christmas Day, we're going to both of our parents homes. To be honest, I'm not sure about what order we're doing our parents' houses in, but we'll figure it out when it gets closer, if Katie hasn't already figured it out.

QUESTION: Do you support Kevin McCarthy as speaker? What do you make of the five conservatives threatening to vote no?

KEVIN TRACY: Yes. I support Kevin McCarthy entirely. Whenever you question the establishment's leadership, you have to first answer the question, "If not this guy, then who?" There is no viable alternative to Kevin McCarthy. Those five conservatives are being stupid and putting themselves before the good of the country. They're not going to get anything out of it, and they are risking a catastrophic event in which a "moderate" Democrat could become Speaker of the House.

QUESTION: What are your thoughts about the Harvey Weinstein trial?

KEVIN TRACY: I'm not following it. Truthfully, it's none of my business and I don't care one way or the other. The jury is certainly under a lot of pressure to convict, but I am hopeful that they'll look at the evidence and make just decision.

QUESTION: Is it true that you're selling the KTracy Manor?

RACHEL DRIVER: KTracy Manor is Kevin Tracy's home and private residence. We're not answering questions about that. Press conference is over.

KEVIN TRACY: But, since you asked-

RACHEL DRIVER: Press conference OVER!