
Transcript of the 2021 APRIL 22 Press Briefing

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: Good morning. For those of you who are new here, my name is Rachel Delonge. I am the Mistress of Propaganda here at I will take questions later in this briefing, but at this time, I would like to remind everyone to continue wearing their mask over their mouth and nose while asking questions.

As you can tell, I am having a terrible hair day, so video of today's briefing will not be made available to the public. However, using state of the art technology, we will be providing a transcript on later this evening.

Firstly, on behalf of the entire staff, we ask for everyone to continue praying for Kevin Tracy. As Mr. Tracy's fans already know, his allergy season started unusually early this year and he was caught a little off guard. This is the third year Kevin Tracy has ignored the advice of Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ruthford to use over the counter meds in favor of more natural solution; which they both call "hippie voodoo shit."

No, Joel. I already know what you're going to ask. This does not mean Kevin Tracy has suddenly become a hippie or Democrat.

MECHELLE THOMAS - WALL STREET JOURNAL: What exactly is this "hippie voodoo" stuff Kevin Tracy is taking?

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: It's "hippie voodoo shit." It's an all-natural three step process. First, he drinks a glass of upasteurized milk. Second, he adds several drops of lemon oil, peppermint oil, and lavender oil to a small glass of water and chugs it. He then makes funny noises while sticking his tongue out from the aweful taste while preparing a meal topped with unheated local honey.

JOEL DIAGO - ONE AMERICA NEWS: That sounds like something a liberal Democrat would do.

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: I think Mr. Tracy would agree with you. However, he swears by it and it's difficult to ignore the results. He still has a three or four sneezing fits a day; which shake the entire building; but he's got a ton more stamina and is wildly more functional than he is under the influence of anti-histamines and other over-the-counter medicines.

LAURA McCARTHY - INDY STAR: Rachel, isn't unpasteurized milk illegal in Indiana?

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: Sure, I guess I'm done with my introduction. Question time.

LAURA McCARTHY - INDY STAR: Is Kevin breaking the law to do this?

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: This is probably a question Francesca Jones, the Attorney, should answer. But as I understand the law, it is illegal to sell unpasteurized milk for human consumption. The unpasteurized milk Mr. Tracy is getting is explicitly marked "not for human consumption". I think it's meant for cats, young cows, and other livestock. So it's not illegal to buy the milk or drink the milk. Plus, Mr. Tracy doesn't tell his supplier that he's drinking it, so the supplier isn't breaking the law because the supplier is not selling it for human consumption.

MARK SUTHERLAND - TMZ: So Kevin Tracy is drinking milk made for livestock? And if I may ask a follow up question for our ignorant audience, what exactly is unpasteurized milk? What animal does it come from?

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: Yes he is. The milk is from a cow and supposedly tastes just like the whole milk you and I would buy from the grocery store. However, that milk in the store is heated or pasteurized to kill the natural bacteria in the cow's milk. There are hippies and naturalists who believe some of this bacteria is actually good for the human body and improves respritory health. There's not really any good scientific evidence for this but it seems to work; which is why Mr. Tracy calls it "hippie voodoo shit." Anyway, unpasteurized milk is not heated, so it comes straight out of the cow, is filtered, put in a jug, and stored in the refrigerator. Kevin has actually purchased the milk so fresh that it's still warm from the cow.

SANJAY GUPTA - CNN: This is ridiculously dangerous! The reason they pasteurize milk is to prevent outbreaks of listeria!

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: Oh, look. Fake news CNN is at it again.

SANJAY GUPTA - CNN: No, I'm serious! Listeria has a 20% to 30% mortality rate! It's a very real, very dangerous thing! You shouldn't be encouraging other people to drink unpasteurized dairy products! Kevin Tracy shouldn't be drinking it either!

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: CNN has no credibility here, Sanjay.

SANJAY GUPTA - CNN: I'm a doctor!

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: Yeah, of liberal philosophy. Why else would you be working at CNN?

SANJAY GUPTA - CNN: Of neurosurgery!

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: Nobody with half a brain believes that.

SANJAY GUPTA - CNN: Because they only have half a brain! They're either dead or stupid.

MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: Oh, so now you're desparaging anyone who disagrees with you. You aren't fooling anyone with your progressive tactics, Sanjay.


MISTRESS OF PROPAGANDA - RACHEL DELONGE: This media briefing is over.