
Laura Bush Staying Classy: The Oil Spill Dilemma

Laura Bush, on "Good Morning America", said that she didn't think that Obama should be blamed for the worst oil spill in American history.

And I happen to agree with her.

I understand the thought that Obama should be doing more to help stop the spill, but really, it kind of proves what conservatives say all the time, doesn't it? That government isn't very good at taking care of things the way that private business can do (for the most part). Do I think that it's right that the Obama administration and other Democrats will try and use this as a way to push through cap and trade? No, and I know that that's exactly what they will do. As soon as it is convenient, another bill that will be devastating to our economy will be rammed down our throats, and I'm worried it may work because we all know they "don't want a good tragedy to go to waste".

However, politics aside and future predictions not included, the oil spill is a combination of different people's faults. It's the fault of the BP company for not making sure that the rig was in good condition. It's the fault of the government safety inspectors who were supposed to keep up with that sort of thing, and it's the fault of the companies that made the parts that failed in the first place, although to a lesser degree since inspections were not timely.

I understand the right's want to blame Obama, and yes, I myself will watch Obama with his stern words and cryptic head shakings (he really does deserve an Oscar, doesn't he?) and think "What the hell else do you want BP to do? They've been trying every idea they can think up!"

The spill will do a lot of damage, that's to be sure. It'll reek havoc on the fishing industry for a long time, and better safety procedures should be put in place to ensure this doesn't happen again. However, there is not a doubt in my mind that, after some time, the beaches and the water will be clean and everything will return back to normal. Because that's the American way, isn't we? We pull ourselves together and fix disasters: whether it's Katrina victims, Haiti survivors, or whatever else.

The druids (my new term for the environmentalists who would, if given the opportunity, sacrifice human virgins and stop any and all economic growth in all country's to appease the "tree gods") will scream from the top of their lungs that we need to stop drilling! Stop now! Look at what happened in the Gulf! But it won't be necessary. The procedures that are needed will be enacted, and another spill of this size will never happen again (at least in American waters) because there will be required contingency plans and safety shut offs and everything else along those lines. Trust me. It's the way businesses work. Use US Steel as an example. When something goes wrong at work, there are a trillion new company policy changes: some that make sense, some that don't, but they stop a problem in that department for a long, long time.

Laura Bush realizes this, and also realizes that it is unfair to pin it all on Obama, because of her and her husband's past experience with Katrina. I'll save my criticism's of Obama for when it is truly needed: like when cap and trade gets rammed through; or when they stop doing any and all drilling; or when they force America to rely on nothing but wind and solar power, even though they aren't very dependable; or they allow the druids to start sacrificing virgins; or PETA members are allowed to start breeding with animals; or.....