Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


The Unread Obamacare Bill Has Passed

Well, the other night a health care reform bill was passed through unprecedented means. Sure, Republicans used the reconciliation process in the past (not that it was the right thing to do then, either) but not on something of this magnitude and this utterly changing to our country. The Democrats (and yes, I can say Democrats because not a single Republican voted for this bill) have set a dangerous precedent. What they have said to the American people with the passage of this reform bill is that they don't care what the polls say or if they have enough votes: they'll push through whatever they want whenever they want. It's interesting that the blue dog Democrats were they're main hurdle, as well, because it shows that even among moderates (no, not just us "CRAZY!" right wingers) this bill was unpopular.

For the first time, Americans are REQUIRED to purchase health care. This is...mind boggling to me. Sure, if there is any hope to lower premiums, there has to be more people with health care. But the fact doesn't go away: the government is forcing an American individual to purchase health care whether he/she wants it or not, and that doesn't sit right with me. In fact, some states have passed laws (the total trying to make this happen is 36) making it legal for them to sue the federal government for forcing the states to in turn force their occupants to purchase health care.

Not to mention the cuts in Medicare and the extra taxes on businesses/wealthy people, and also the compliance costs of this bill!

Now, lets hear a positive, and a little of my own personal recommendations to the Republican party with strategy.

I do think it's good to get rid of (or at least reform) the "pre-existing condition" problem. I know, I know...the insurance companies asses the risk and blah blah blah, but come on. If I lose my job that I work very hard at, and it is found out that I have, say, diabetes (I don't for the record, but work with me here people) I could be paying out the arse or I could get turned down, and that's messed up considering we're the best country on the planet.

As far as what I would do if I was the minority leader? I'd fight this thing tooth and nail until the end (which from what I've read the Republicans plan on doing) and then the second we had a majority, BAM! Ten bills in five days of the most outrageous conservative bills I could possibly pass, and ALL through reconciliation. Sure, Obama would veto every last one of them and we probably wouldn't have the votes to override the veto, but the point would be made regarding how dangerous this form of legislation push is.

Hopefully, the Supreme Court will rule the reconciliation process un-Constitutional and none of this will mean diddly squat anyways. But still, the idea that a party could force something like this un-Godly bill through the way that this Democratic controlled Congress has is frightening and unsettling.