
Working Vs. Stay At Home Moms: The Backlash?

To begin with, please, if you haven't read the original piece (or even if you have and don't remember it exactly) read it here: Working Vs. Stay at Home Moms

Ok, now that our memories are refreshed, let me address something that I had THOUGHT was clear in the original article. If you're individual life situation doesn't allow you to be a stay at home mom, then THAT'S FINE. I stressed countless times in the article this exact point, but unfortunately some people either don't know how to read or choose not to. Regardless, the main reason that I decided to dredge this wonderful topic back up is because apparently I have a hate group regarding my articles. This doesn't really bother me. Most ignorant people don't like me, and that's fine. The feeling is mutual. However, since this comment in particular (via a facebook conversation) about this particular article came up, I thought that I would ask you all, loyal readers, your input. Here it goes:

"Somebody needs to tell that fool that instead of spending time writing idiotic blogs and posting crap on Facebook he should spend it with his kid (side note: Gage is almost always sleeping when I'm doing my extracurricular activities. Also, you will all be happy to know that Gage's first word is "Daddy". It must be from all that darn neglect.) and act like a grown up!!! He's an idiot..." There are some other things regarding peoples personal information and names that I won't publish, but you all get the gist.

My question is this: what exactly did I write that was so offensive? Was my own personal thoughts, that a mother, if GIVEN THE CHOICE, should choose to stay at home with her child so that he/she is receiving the care and guidance that that child deserves? I went out of the way, in several parts of this article, to be sure to articulate that working mothers who juggle a career (ESPECIALLY single mothers) deserve a special place in heaven. I don't understand, people. I really don't. By the way, thanks to all of you readers, my "idiotic blogging" has made it's way into the local college newspaper several times, has been featured in the Post-Tribune (a local paper) and I now occasionally write for the Northwest Indiana Times. Thank you again, loyal readers, for reading my useless opinions. At least I'm stimulating some peoples brains. Or rather, those that care to have their brains stimulated at all.