Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


Are They Sincere?

The best part about writing for sites such as is that there is a plethora of great points and good ideas. This post, actually, was inspired by a point made in the comment section a couple pieces back, regarding whether or not the GOP will actually step up if the health care bill is stopped and Congress has a Republican majority.

The commenter points out that after the failed health care bill under Clinton in the 90's, Republicans took the majority and held it for quite some time. Many of the arguments against the Clinton health care reform were the same as the arguments against Obamacare, and for the most part, for the record, I agree with the arguments.

However, while the right side of the aisle throws a (very understandable) tantrum and returns to their small government roots, the question is asked: will the GOP make the changes as pass health care reform on their own grounds?

I've mentioned on my show and (I think, but I'm not sure) on posts on here in the past that one of the reasons that Democrats have the leverage they do is because the GOP didn't handle the health care issue when they had the chance. The GOP got labeled the "party of NO" because they didn't pass Tort Reform or any number of the things that they now claim the party members are in support of. This makes the arguments appear to be partisan bickering and takes away from what could have been a much easier fight for the GOP against this bill.

Now, if the Republicans are able to stop this monstrosity that is worming it's way through the halls of Congress, and if they are able to regain if not the majority then at least enough seats to put up a better fight, then they HAD BETTER be ready and willing to have their bluff called. Because if it is truly a bluff, it won't take too long before liberals have seats again, and just like this past year health care reform will be at the top of their "to screw up" list (kind of like a "to do" list, but more liberal).