Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist Tied in FL GOP Primary for US Senate Race

Nothing quite makes air guitars wail like an underdog turning the corrupt establishment on its head. So is sending a collective thank you to Marco Rubio for giving us conservative Republicans a reason to take out our air guitars and rock the night away.

According to a Rassmussen poll released on Tuesday (I was busy with Finals week: so I only had time for the air guitar, not the blogging), Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist are tied at 43% in the Republican Primary. Additionally, Marco Rubio is polling better than Charlie Crist against the likely Democratic nominee, Kendrick Meek:

Marco Rubio: 49%
Kendrick Meek: 35%

Charlie Crist: 43%
Kendrick Meek: 36%

In other words, if you're a Republican who will be voting in Florida's primary next year, the conservative candidate in the race for the GOP nomination is the safest bet, pulling in solid double digit leads. In fact, Rubio is performing a full 7% better than Crist in the General Election polling being done. That's incredible!

Of course, after the holiday season, Charlie Crist is going to do what all career politicians do when they're in trouble... go on the attack and start blaming everyone but himself. I wouldn't be surprised to see more staff shake ups after the new year and you can bet Marco Rubio is going to be watched and scrutinized by absolutely every resource available in Crist's inventory.

Remember, being tied in the polls is a GREAT sign of momentum, but if the primary were held today, Rubio would still likely lose for no reason other than the fact that Crist is going to have a the best Get Out The Vote (GOTV) effort money can buy... literally. Marco Rubio still has a lot of ground to make up in order to pull this out and he can only do that with the help of grassroots conservatives around the country, like yourselves.

Please, take some time to visit and consider leaving a donation before the end of the year. The Rubio campaign will have to file its quarterly fundraising numbers for October, November, and December after the new year and the better those numbers look, the more serious people are going to take Rubio as a candidate against Crist.

Either way, it's safe to say that a Republican is going to win this General Election. The question is whether we want to give this seat to a conservative Republican who is going to fix the problems in Washington and around the country or somebody like Charlie Crist who supported Obama's failed bailout package and guarantees the continuation of the same corrupt status quo.

I think it goes without saying that it's critically important that we do everything we can to help Marco Rubio win this primary.

This election cycle, the contributors and I are using a new method for endorsing candidates. We are working on a questionnaire at the moment and once a candidate or his or her representative candidly answer the questions, we will discuss whether or not that person receives an endorsement from In order for the website to endorse a candidate, he or she needs the unanimous support of all contributors.

Although I personally like Marco Rubio and hope he wins, we have not begun the process of officially endorsing candidates. has not endorsed Rubio or any other candidate for this election cycle.