Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


CNN Replaces Lou Dobbs

Since going off the deep end and becoming one of the conspiracy theorist idiots subscribing to the idea that President Obama is not an American citizen, Lou Dobbs' ratings have fallen and CNN has had enough. They've made the decision to replace Lou Dobbs with political correspondent John King. I actually applaud CNN for having the guts to do this. When Lou Dobbs was first given a show on the network, he was a strict business news-only anchor; and a darn good one at that. But in the 2008 election, when he failed to land interviews with mainstream candidates on any regular basis, he began going after some of the loony candidates and, as you might expect, their even loonier followers became fans. Over time, Lou Dobbs began dividing his attention between the legitimate business news of the day and the loony political commentary expected by his new fans. The problem is that it appears that Dobbs actually became a loony himself, which is a no-go for CNN, which has been trying to establish itself as the non-partisan network in the past few years.

In a lot of ways, Lou Dobbs has become a conservative version of Keith Olberman - that jackass smut anchor on MSNBC. Keith Olberman was originally a stellar sports anchor for ESPN before moving to the NBC network where he got his own show. Unfortunately, Olberman's politics got in the way of him being a great newscaster and he's become what we see now. HOWEVER, despite his jackassery covering political news, watching him on NBC's Sunday Night Football coverage is evidence that he's still a talent for doing his job great. It's just that he's lost his freaking marbles when it comes to covering political news. The same can be said of Lou Dobbs, only instead of going so far left that even Karl Marx would be embarrassed, Dobbs has gone to the extreme right.

I doubt this will be the end of Lou Dobbs, though. "Fair and Balanced" Fox News is sure to pick him up and put him on their "Fair and Balanced" lineup of an equally diverse team of liberals and conservatives from all parts of the political spectrum. Sarcasm - what? Seriously, this won't be the last of Lou Dobbs... it should be, but it won't be.

I'm glad he's gone from CNN, it will be another hour that I'll be able to tune in and get accurate, real news about issues that matter and not mumbo-jumbo lunatic conspiracy nonsense. I'm actually really looking forward to John King's show. I remember a few years ago, back in 2001 before the terrorist attacks on September 11th, President Bush was holding a press conference about his proposed tax cut and John King got himself in a bit of trouble by asking something about then-President Putin's desire to work with the United States on a global missile defense system - COMPLETELY off topic. President Bush stumbled through the question and, overnight, John King was no longer CNN's White House correspondent. I like guys that ask tough and unexpected questions, as long as they are legitimate questions about issues that matter and they are asked correctly - not pushing the person to answer a certain way or making the person look like any more of an idiot than they already are.

Archived Comments

Thank you Kevin, for this post. I had been a real fan of Lou Dobbs up until a couple of years ago when his perspective-usually so in tune with real America- took a turn towards crazy. Lou caused his own demise and took with it all the credibility he once earned as a tough, no-nonsense news source. It would not surprise me to see him show up on FOX, but if he does and after hearing his swan song on CNN and his impassioned indictment of a public discourse that has become too partisan, he would forfeit any shred of the dignity I once thought he had.

Back in the early 90's, I liked Lou Dobbs on "Moneyline." I really haven't thought about him much since then, since I don't have cable.
When I heard that he'd gone nuts on immigration I was a little disappointed, and when I heard that he'd thrown in with the Birthers, it was nuts.
I'm sure that he'll go the Glenn Beck route and wind up on Fox, as part of Fox's descent from credible news organization to right-wing leper colony

Oh my, how capitalists will rant
Come now, Fox News is the smartest media company still standing. We have to hand it to them that they learned classy boring journalism doesn't make money. Americans like a bit of conspiracy, and a whole lot of personality in their TV habits. Fox gets the ratings, and therefore the advertisers.
I agree that Dobbs will probably get an hour slot in the afternoons, probably Brett Baer's spot. And he'll probably be asked to help build Fox Business News which is in a dogfight to get on-air personalities to rival CNBC. Good for him, good for Fox for remembering that they are a business first.

I'll agree that it's a good thing that FOX News has gone completely tabloid for the good of their business if you'll agree that it isn't news.
As far as advertisers-ask Glenn Beck about that. He could care less about the revenue loss as he's got many other sources. Wonder how long the smart media company will stand for it, though?

Kevin Tracy
I think there's still something to be said for responsible journalism and news coverage, profits and advertising aside. If I was told that my website ratings would soar if I endorsed the idea that 9/11 was a conspiracy by President Bush, there's no way I would cave in. Yeah, the ad money would be nice, but is it really worth selling my soul over? No.
Now, do I still write things for traffic? ... look at my last post and the picture I posted with it. OF COURSE I DO! But still, at the very end of it, I try to infuse a political conversation about the future leadership of the social conservative movement. My motive is to enhance my readers' knowledge of politics and current events here and around the world by discussion. Fox News' motivation is pure money.
That's fine, I suppose, but I wish they would call themselves the Fox Tabloid Channel instead

Kevin Tracy
Just an update: FOX News has said that they are NOT interested in Lou Dobbs.