
Does This Make Bernake A Pimp?

"Rep. Alan Grayson hurled an insult at Linda Robertson last month on the "Alex Jones Show," a syndicated talk radio program, while discussing the Fed's resistance to stronger congressional oversight. Robertson is a former top Enron lobbyist and Clinton administration adviser who was hired by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke this summer to help with congressional relations," from wusa.com.

This, my friends, is hilarious. First of all, where else would a comment like that come from other than that nut job Alex Jones' show? While I certainly wouldn't have made a (stupid) comment like this, I have to say that when talking about lobbyists in general using the term "whore" isn't that off of a definition. The politician "lays down" their ideological beliefs and campaign promises in exchange for money or other "services" (services being special trips and vacations, get your mind out of the gutter!) So it's not that the description is what bothers me, its the fact that a CONGRESSMAN is doing the describing.

If this comment were made by some talking head or blogger, that's one thing. This is an elected official and behaviour of this sort is unacceptable. Now, Grayson is known for using theatrics and shooting his mouth off (for example, did you all know that Republicans want us all to "die quickly"?) however to use a derogatory term like "whore" when talking about a woman who is an advisor to Fed Chairman Bernanke is over the line.

In my opinion, Congress should follow the precedent that they have established when dealing with these sorts of inappropriate outburst's: they should treat Grayson EXACTLY the way that they treated Joe Wilson. They should ask him to apologize to Ms. Robertson, and when he does...berate him and make him apologize again. Then, treat him like crap for expressing his opinion. Now, I know what you all are thinking: Wilson yelled out at the President during an address to Congress, not really the same sort of deal. And in a sense, I agree. However, yelling out "you lie" and calling a young lady a whore...even though the setting was different, the severity of the comment helps to put the two statements on an even keel.

My question is this: just how much about whores do you know, Rep. Grayson?

Archived Comments

I will buy that Bernanke is a pimp. He sold this nation out to Goldman Sachs. And can't we make an exception for insults hurled at lobyists, lawyers, bankers, pedophiles, pornographers, and terrorists? Or were all those groups covered in the new hate crimes legislation?

Travis Gearhart
Hey, I don't care whom calls whom what, as long as the standards are the same for everybody. You're talking to a pretty non-PC guy here, lol

Kevin Tracy
Travis, thanks for keeping shop. Anytime anybody says anything on the "Alex Jones Nutjob Show" they ought to be punched in the throat. Seriously, I'm a bigger media whore than John McCain and I wouldn't even touch that show with a 40 foot pole... unless I was using that 40 foot pole to beat the crap out of Alex Jones.

Travis Gearhart
I'd go on the Alex Jones show and pretend to be talking into an ear piece. That'd freak that conspiracy theorist nut job out, haha, maybe tell him off air that I secretly work for the CIA or something.