Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


Marco Rubio Polling Better than Crist in General Election!

Check out this latest poll from Rasmussen:

Crist (R) - 46% (+12)
Meek (D) - 34%

Rubio (R) - 46% (+15)
Meek (D) - 31%

Why is this important?

It completely disproves the corrupt National Republican Senatorial Committee's (NRSC) logic behind endorsing Crist over Rubio more than a YEAR before the primary. The NRSC and it's bozo chairman, Senator Cornyn of Texas, said the endorsement of Charlie Crist was only because Crist had the best chance at winning.

Well, Kendrick Meek has proven himself to be a pushover candidate ready for anybody to trounce him, which means either Republican candidate could beat him, thus getting rid of the NRSC's reason for an early endorsement. But more important is now is that Marco Rubio is polling BETTER against Meek than Charlie Crist is. That not only indicates that the NRSC made the wrong choice by endorsing a candidate ridiculously early, but that they made a mistake by endorsing Charlie Crist instead of Marco Rubio.

This Rasmussen poll is a turning point for the Rubio campaign if they can take advantage of it. You can help make sure that a conservative Republican is the next US Senator from the state of Florida by visiting the Marco Rubio Campaign Website and pledging your support for this bright and rising star in the Republican Party.