Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


Mike Huckabee Named in Chicago Fundraising Lawsuit

For as little fundraising as former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee does, it's remarkable how much controversy he can stir up doing it. First, many supporters and non-supporters alike have been highly critical of Huckabee's inability to raise funds for himself, first in his failed Presidential bid in 2007-2008 and for his Political Action Committee HuckPAC now in 2009. More recently, Huckabee has been sending viewers of his FoxNews talk show to an online petition at; which asks people to sign a petition on the HuckPAC website and asks for donations of at least $15. This places both FoxNews and Huckabee in murky FEC and FCC waters because he never told the viewers that he stood to gain financially by advertising the site; which, according to my understanding, is absolutely required.

Although legal action hasn't been taken by any overzealous liberals (yet), there is another case in Illinois revolving around that state's Republican Primary for US Senate (to challenge Senator Burris, who was chosen by ousted Governor Blagojevich). Ironically, the complaint is coming from a fellow Republican. Andy Martin, one of the Republican contenders, is complaining that a Republican Dinner with Mike Huckabee was in fact an illegal and poorly disguised campaign event for Paul Caprio, another contender who is facing allegations of using his PAC for personal wealth.

Huckabee is actually allowed to endorse anyone he wants, the problem is that this "campaign event" wasn't hosted by HuckPAC (because they lack the money for something like that), but instead by the tax exempt Illinois Family Institute. This organization's involvement in political campaigns is a violation of Internal Revenue Codes that allow them to avoid paying taxes as long as they remain strictly an issue advocacy group. Similar groups include Americans for Fair Taxation (the Fair Tax organization), but Huckabee has done a good job of avoiding any trouble for that organization.

The problem now facing Huckabee is that he can be named a co-conspirator with the Illinois Family Institute if State and Federal Prosecutors decide it would be entertaining and worth while to pursue this. If they do, it will be interesting to see what constitutional issues are brought up because the government is literally limiting free speech with its tax code.

I for one don't think Huckabee did anything morally wrong by doing this event in Chicago, but morally wrong and legally wrong are two different boats. With regards to covertly sending people to his PAC's website and asking for donations using what is supposed to be a "Fair and Balanced" cable news network (I don't think any of us actually believe that), I think he crossed the line a bit, but desperate times call for desperate measures and if I was still a Huckabee supporter, I would probably be pleased that he's taking some initiative by bending/breaking the rules to raise money. He wouldn't risk hefty fines, embarrassing law suits, and possibly losing his spot on FoxNews if wasn't taking his fundraising problem seriously for a change.

Archived Comments

Brian D
Wow that is both innovative and practical. I don't think even MacGyver could have came up with this one. Now not only can the removal of a womans undergarments lead to the creation of life, it can actually save a life. I am already working on dual use panties.

They should have named this story the "7 Figure Booby Prize"? the "Over-the-Shoulder-Smolder-Holder?" I, like Brian D, am reevaluating EVERYTHING in my closet for possible scientific breakthroughs.