Office of Representative Kevin Tracy
Representative Kevin Tracy

For Immediate Release
Date: 2001-11-20

REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: Thank you for coming at this late hour, I feel I have to talk about this.  First off, my slow updates are due to extreme tiredness, I'm sure it's nothing though.  Don't fuss over it, I'll be fine.  Ok, let's get started.  I haven't given any hint towards my drug policy other than once instance during the summer.  Well, that is about to change.  I spoke with several of my Ministers and we came to a decision.  People who sell, buy, use, smuggle, traffic, or deal drugs are terrorists. I also spoke with my former Minister of Liberal Affairs, who I have reason to believe is a user of some illegal drugs, disagreed in the defense of druggies.

Allow me to explain our logic, it does make sense. Now, Anthrax is a weapon.  It doesn't necessarily cause death, but it is a chemical/biological weapon that creates fear. Those who deal with it are terrorists, I don't think anyone will disagree with that. Now, what about illegal drugs such as marijuana or cocaine? Do you want a Coke dealer next door? No, would you be afraid? I would and so would members of my staff and many others. Afraid equals Fear, Fear equals Terror.

What about fellow teens and children who are approached by a druggie?  There is a chance the teenager or child will feel pressured into taking the illegal drug.  Not necessarily with a gun or knife, but simple peer pressure - being afraid that you will be rejected because you are a 'straight-edge.'  Once again, Afraid equals Fear, Fear equals Terror.

I've been criticized on several levels since I ran for class President my sophomore year running on my anti drug testing beliefs.  I've been told that I'm soft to actually being a pot head, I promise you, I'm 100% clean.  That's why I'm opposed to the random urine test by public schools. Most students are clean, and a even larger percentage of students that would or could be tested were clean.  It was a waste of money that we now could use over a year later.

I believe all American's have rights, no matter what crimes they may be guilty of, and random drug testing was a clear violation of those rights.  THAT is why I was and still am opposed to the idea.  But that doesn't mean the problem can be ignored.  Some say this measure was a good idea because it gave athletes and others a reason to say, "no." That they "didn't want to risk getting kicked off the team."  Well, We shouldn't be giving them excuses to tell them No, that should be common sense. What we need to do is give them an excuse and reason to tell the proper authorities who has the illegal substances.

Minister Morgan is right behind me on this, and I thank him especially for his support.  If it was up to us, all terrorists, including the druggies, would be executed.  They are a poison to our society and without them, this nation would be in a much better place. I have time for one question, I'm getting really tired, please excuse me.

Q: Kevin, are you aware that you might risk a beating by druggies by turning you're back on them when they thought you were on their side.

REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: I don't fear that at all, I'm not doing anything different than before.  I'm defending their rights, I'm not going to defend them and their illegal substances, I never have, and I never will.  I hope they know they don't want to pick a fight with me, I have a really nasty revenge policy and they will regret ever having the thought of hurting me.  So fair warning to the new terrorists in my book.

Good night.