Office of Representative Kevin Tracy 
Representative Kevin Tracy 

For Immediate Release 
Date: 2001-09-11

REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: This day has been perhaps the worst day in American History.  This day will be scared with an attack more horrifying than that of Pearl Harbor. This day will be will live in infamy in the hearts of every true American for the rest of eternity.

This day is a day when all the free, democratic societies of the world are standing as one.  This day, the people of this great nation, be they Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or Muslim, must merge together as one force lead by our Commander-in-Chief, the human symbol of America, President Bush.

This day, an act of war against the United States of America has horrified the minds of this nation's citizens far worse than any other event in our history.  I believe any nation that harbors terrorists, like Afghanistan, is just as guilty as the terrorists themselves. Afghanistan hopefully will suffer the same fate as Osama Bin Laden. But we do not know who is guilty yet, and we do not know whom to blame. That makes it more difficult.  We need something to vent our anger at, and punching pillows won't cut the loss of possibly over 50,000 innocent American lives. That's why President Bush is focusing our intelligence sources 100% on finding the cowards responsible for this day's act of war.

This day, I cannot focus more on American unity at this time of crisis. There will be assaults on innocent Muslims, to some; they will be their vents. But this catastrophe could never be condoled by that religion.  They are radical fundamentalists of whatever group they belong to. The Islam religion is not to blame, and Muslims will not be targeted by our Armed Forces because of their religion or because of their nationality. Muslims should not be targeted by their fellow Americans either. We are all Americans today.

This day is a turning point of world history.  The world we are growing up in is no longer the world we grew up in.  I send my prayers to the innocent lives lost forever, and I hope you join me. And I ask God to please bless the United States and the rest of the free world in this time of terror.