Office of Representative Kevin Tracy
Representative Kevin Tracy

For Immediate Release
Date: 2001-07-08

REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: Good evening. I'd like to include this in my regular briefs. A certain Socialist Environmental Wacko and former minister told me in a conversation that "most Americans are idiots." I want to assure you that most Americans are NOT idiots.  What he meant to say was something like "If you are an American but not a Socialist, you are an idiot." By this, he meant that Americans who cherish their individuality and their localized power, be it state, county, or town; like myself, are idiots. I think this constitutes him being an idiot more than us. Americans, for generations, made this nation great and will continue to do so. How can someone call them idiots? Because our nation didn't fall with the Soviet Union? We're Americans and proud!

Q: Do you think Russia will collapse?

REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: No, Vladimir Putin is proving himself a strong leader for Russia. Right now, Russia is dependent on the United States right now economically.  I honestly think Russia might be better off if they didn't have to deal with Clinton/Gore the last 8 years. Those two really screwed up every non-Communist economy in Asia. That's why their economies shot through the roof when Al Gore conceded the election. The media doesn't care of course, they are too busy slamming President George W. Bush for a slowing economy when this economy is just getting back on its feet and will be standing tall after our tax refunds come in.

Q: Were you talking to Matt?

REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: I'm not at liberty to say, but ask yourself this: Is this individual a Socialist Environmental Wacko and a former staff member? Well, I have a dinner engagement with Tacos and then Anti-acids. Have a great night.