Office of the Representative
Representative Kevin Tracy

For Immediate Release
Date: 2001-06-08

Rep. Tracy: I have just received a notice from Minister Rob that he has landed safely in Germany. As you all know, Rob, being one of the best German students in the the state, was sent to live in Germany for two months with a host family. While in Germany, he will have to speak Germany only.  No English other than a couple E-mails a week and a phone call to his parents. Please do not reply to his E-mails, they are mostly going to be forwarded and if he is reading too much English, it will not only distract him from the German language, but it may also loose him the privilege of the E-mail all together.

I talked with him on the eve of the seventh and he was definitely more excited than nervous. I believe he will be able to forward a E-mail to all his friends about once a week in English. He will have Internet access from his host family's home and told me he would try to download an Instant Messenger to keep in better contact with me. I do not plan to break or have him break any of the rules so I will be chatting with him in German.  Anyone who is good enough to hold a conversation in German should be able to contact him.  But give me your name and I'll ask Rob myself if it will be okay.  Besides, his time there is relatively short and there are many things planned for him so I doubt he will have much time to chat with me or others still in America.

We, the staff and myself, plan on a debriefing on July 28th at noon 37:30 P.M. at the Lake Shore Cafe, better known to some as the LVS.  Everyone is invited of course, it's a public restaurant, how can we stop you?

**Pause for chuckles in the room

"Everyone is invited, but we are not giving away free food or giving discounts.  Come planning to pay full price.  This is not like the Barbecue in the parking lot on the 31st of last month, we aren't giving anything away.  This is simply to welcome Rob back and debrief him on his trip to Germany.  Ok, I'll take questions now."

**Question: Noon 27:30?

Rep. Tracy: Noon 27:30 means simply 12:27 and 30 seconds. Rob has some of us doing that now.  We had a briefing at the LVS on the 6th and that was the time we met."

**Question: Berlin's government collapsed yesterday, Is Minister Robert Morgan going to fly home and if not, is he in any danger?

Rep. Tracy, No, Rob has no plans to come home soon and he will not be staying in Berlin so any rioting should be far away.  It's important to know that this is Berlin's Municipal Government, not the Federal Government of Germany that collapsed. Liberals there act like they are going to come out and side with the PDS, a communist supporting organization from the old days in East Berlin.  Trust me, Commies are more in danger of Rob than Rob is in danger of them.

I'm sorry, my time is up and I have an important meeting I must attend tomorrow morning and I need some sleep. If you have anyone questions or you are the person who prank calls my personal line 3 times a day, E-mail me.