Office of the Representative
Representative Kevin Tracy

For Immediate Release
Date: 2001-06-03

"1984" has been one of the most life-changing books I've ever read.  It's difficult reading, but it captured me.  I won't go into the details of the book, but it was written in 1949 by George Orwell.  Obviously, then it was a fictional future novel. Today if you see the title "1984" on a book, you may think it was a documentary on that year.  But back before 1984, it was viewed as a dystopian prophecy. The fear of big government and socialism horrified the Western World.

In many classrooms, "1984" was common literature.  But since that was before our time, too many of us have not read the book and Big Government is becoming a solution for many instead of a problem.  This is not one of those lecture books, like "Black Robes, White Justice," which is another great book should you care to read it.  This is a novel with plenty of conflicts with a main character and all that jazz.

I read this book a year ago and I still think about it, and I still haven't got all the twists and turns worked out in my head.  It really gets you thinking, and it's novels like this that deserve to be read. Especially after so many years of fame.  We can't allow such a great novel to be overlooked simply because of it's title. "1984" should be required reading in classrooms once again.